So off I drove in my wonderful new minivan (which my amazing hubby purchased for me and my family recently) to get my eyes on a copy displayed in a local Christian book store. Lucky for me they had several copies, paperback and the imitation leather version which I have on order. The actual DVD of the movie, however, was sold out. Twice already. They're waiting on the arrival of their third shipment.
Anyway, I wanted to start this love dare challenge immediately, so I made note of the first couple weeks worth of dares to hopefully take me to when my very own (at a reduced price) copy arrives from Amazon. (Don't worry, I did purchase a couple CD's and the actual Fireproof novel from the store in said visit, so they did get a good sale out of my impatience, too.)
I decided right away that my whole family could benefit as being recipients of the love dare carried out by me. For the most part my impatience, quick to anger, yadda, yadda, yadda, is turned on my three independent, out-to-teach-their-mom daughters, not my hubby, really. Though I have a feeling as I progress through this challenge I may be very enlightened! Actually, I pray that I am. As all my family, hubby and daughters deserve to live with a better, more Christian-centered me, and that's exactly what I hope they receive through my carrying out this challenge.
Yesterday the dare basically boiled down to "be nice". The whole, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
I've never been so silent in my life.
Just kidding!
But I did catch myself a couple times with my oldest daughter and quickly altered my responses to fit into the realm of "being nice". When she complained about something that I have absolutely no control over, like it not being a snow day once again, and had the nerve to blame said fact on me. Instead of straightening my back and spitting back a nasty "grow up", I commiserated with her. Really, I wasn't in the mood to make yet another set of lunches, either, so we did have something in common. If you can't fight 'em, join 'em, seemed to work, and suddenly I was no longer the perpetrator of her miserable start to her day, after all. And what could have gone on as a negative pre-school morning, was nipped in the bud by my awareness of the day's challenge, and we parted amicably, opposed to miserably, as could very well have been the case.
Not a bad start to this challenge I'd say!
Blessings to All!
Good for you! So you have three daughters? I'm the oldest of three girls. :-)
Being the oldest, were you the toughest on your mom?
I'm the fourth of five girls in my family. Oh what fun we had. Our poor dad. I still feel for the man!
No, I was neat and quiet and made good grades. But you know, I was very, very moody. Maybe that was tough on her? I don't know.
Wow! I am the oldest of 3 girls too! I was the compliant one, who was quiet and made good grades too! I was also moody...still can be...but was a bit bossy to my sisters.
I have not see Fireproof, but the Love Dare sounds intriguing. I need to rent that movie, for sure.
Sherrinda, my oldest can be very moody too, just like me. I think that's our greatest challenge--we're too much alike. I love her strength. I know it's going to take her far in life.
Way to go! Fantastic challenge. I have been wanting to get that book too.
So far the dares have been fairly simple for me with my family. They mostly make me pause and do a double take before venturing forward and screwing up. So I'm thankful for the "pause" effect. It's helping me with my patience issue greatly.
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