As I've stated here in the past, I write in complete silence, or nothing would get entered on my keyboard. Noise is way too distracting for me, be it the t.v., music, or the family interacting. Any auditory sensation prevents words from jelling within my head it would seem. Being that I'm a major multi-tasker in all other aspects of my life, I admit, this has baffled me for a very long time.
But it never really bothered me before because I'm not a slave to t.v., and music has never appealed to me much, either. And when the family is home, I ought to be interacting with them anyway, so this "silence needed scenario" has helped me keep my priorities straight, thankfully.
Lately, however, I've discovered an artist whose music ministers to me and I find myself wanting to hear the songs 24/7. This totally amazes me. Almost to the date, I've spent the last thirty-four years of my life with very little interest in music, Christian or otherwise, and now all of a sudden I crave time to listen to it.

From Something Big: "It's time to dream big dreams...those who love You wanna do something so big it's destined to fail without You, Lord...something so great it takes a miracle to do."
and from While I'm Waiting:
"I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait."
Each of these songs speaks of the importance to give it all to God. Expect nothing in return but a closer walk with Him, and He will use our words, our meticulously crafted stories and articles, to His Glory, as He sees fit. He is the only One who can create a miracle out of our daily grind, no one else can. Working for Him need be our only concern, because without His presence in our work, no matter what the struggles we go through to get the words on the page, they will mean nothing without His hand in it. Obediently, we must serve Him, worship Him, and give it all to Him. Whether or not we see how He uses our work isn't to be our concern. Being obedient to Him is.
Of course, I knew all this already. To have it bundled so neatly within a wonderful melody that refreshes my soul at the push of a button, though, is a wonderful blessing to me.
My prayer for you today is that you may find a song that reaches out and ministers to you abundantly.
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