Kregal, 2009
Back Cover: Since leaving Louisiana, Sally Stevens has held her childhood secrets at bay, smothering them in a sunny disposition and sugar-coated lies. No one, not even her husband Sam, has heard the truth about what happened to her and her best friend, Ella Ward, when they were twelve years old.
Now a teacher in Normal, Illinois, Sally has nearly forgotten her past. Then Shamika, one of her students, is violently attacked, and memories of segregation, a chain-link fence, and a blood oath bubble to the surface like a dead body in a bayou. Lies continue to tumble from Sally’s lips as she scrambles to gloss over the harsh reality of a betrayal that refuses to stay buried.
Finally cornered by the Holy Spirit and her own web of lies, Sally and Shamika embark on a quest to find Ella in post-Katrina New Orleans. With the help of friends, family, and God, Sally can glimpse a life free of the mire of deceit and truly begin to live with joy. Will she pay the price for a lifetime of deception? Can she save Shamika?
Click Here for Amazon.com Link.
Patti Lacy is one of my critique partners, so I had the privilege of critiquing What the Bayou Saw early on. It's a beautiful read with a lesson regarding secrets for us all. Patti has one of the smoothest, richest voices I've ever read. So very distinct. You're sure to love it, as I do.

For an inside look at the wonderful author behind the story, please read on for a short interview with Patti Lacy.
1) What influenced you to write What the Bayou Saw?
Sigh. It all started with a memory, just like An Irishwoman’s Tale. A woman named Sheila shared the saddest story of growing up in 1960s Alabama and yearning to play with the girl next door. Only the girl next door was the wrong race. The image of two hands, one dark, one light, reaching through a chain link fence to share toys gripped my gray matter and wouldn’t let go.
What the Bayou Saw also draws on several coming-of-age stories in Monroe, Lousiana—one of them my own.
2) What do you hope your readers take away from reading What the Bayou Saw?
The insidious nature of racism and lying. However, even these nasty sins can’t escape God’s grace when we seek forgiveness and repent (a la turn around and walk the other way.)
3) A typical writing day for you would go like what?
Oh, dear. Since God has blessed me with more speaking and teaching appearances, typical has blown out the window!
I like to rise along with Mr. Sun and spend some time in prayer and Bible study. If time permits, I tap away on a new WIP, which right now is called Reclaiming Lily. The to-do list includes book reviews, blog articles, workshop lesson plans, thank-you notes, treat sack stuffing—lots is going on in good old Normal!
4) What do you view as essential tools for writing?
No matter how clogged the Daytimer gets, I find time to READ, READ, READ books that will help me write better! I just finished Samson’s Embrace Me. That woman paints the most vivid characters!
Another is Piccoult’s My Sister’s Keeper. Talk about amazing. Piccoult juggles SEVEN points of view! What a case study!
Then there’s The Help by Stockett for killer dialogue, Scared by Davis for multiculturalism—Too many books, too little time!!
A critique group (or two) provides WONDERFUL feedback. I learn as much from editing other folks’ work as I do from writing my own!
5) What are you currently working on that we might soon be able to read? Any release dates set?
No release dates are set—yet—but I hope to have an announcement soon about Book Number three!
6) Any words of wisdom for those awaiting publication?
First of all, write for that wonderful Audience of One.
Second, print cards, put on a writer outfit, like a wild shawl or frilly jacket, or whatever it takes to convince yourself that you are a writer. Then do things that writers do! Write. Read. Edit. Blog. Support other writers. Go to conferences. Craft books…like all professions, the training never seems to end. But you can do it…because He did it.
Book Giveaway Info: If you would like to be entered into the drawing to win a copy of What the Bayou Saw, please leave a comment in this post with a way to contact you. I'll draw the winner on Sunday, November 8th, and leave an announcement on this blog. Be sure to check back next Monday for the opportunity to win another of Patti Lacy's books, her first published story, An Irishwoman's Tale.
Surrendering to Him,
Thanks for a wonderful interview, Eileen and Patty! I can't imagine a writing career getting any busier, but I'm sure it happens!!
Great interview! Thank you for sharing. This sounds like a beautiful story. :-)
I love interviews, other writer's insights. Thanks.
Please enter me. What a beautiful story. I love the image of the hands linked through the fence. Each hand a different color.
I'd love to be entered, Eileen! Thanks for the interview!
I like her idea of doing what you have to do to think you are a writer. I can definitely see me with a shawl over my shoulders this winter writing away. :O)
Thank you Patti and Eileen for the wonderful glimpse into the writing life here. I love the advice to assume the role of writer, in any way possible. It's amazing how when we "own" the title, it has a way of becoming us.
Thank you for the great interview. I really admire people who tackle such deep and moving topics. The story sounds great, I'd love to read it.
Great inteview! I love the plot of this story--always intrigued my memories and how our past plays into today Enter me!
Wow! That book sounds amazing! Thanks for the interview!!!
Great interview. Thanks to both of you. That book sounds amazing. If I win, I think you know how to contact me. :)
The book sounds wonderful! Please enter me for a chance to win a copy.
Oh me, me! I want to win!!!! I love who the character gets 'cornered' by the Holy Spirit. The cover looks so haunting. Too Delicious. Great interview. I hope I win!!!
Patti is a favorite writer and one of my best mentors of all time. Please enter my name in the drawing:
Jody, have seen your name poppin' up on several of my favorite blogs!
Thanks for visiting!
Jessica, you blessed me by your visit! Some of my favorite ladies share your name!
Rebecca, thanks for stopping by! You've stanched the tears on the Monday post- IBAM (Irish books and music), where I lived in Ireland for two days and GOT to sell books to the most beautiful people in the world!!!
Tabitha, THANK YOU for "seeing" that image that grabs my mind and won't let go! Would love to hear from you POST-read!!!
Katie, love that most Irish o' names. You wouldn't be havin' a bit of the green flowin' through your veins, now, would ye?
Diane, if I were a rich girl, I would SEND you a shawl woven from The Irishwoman's Leicester Longwool sheep.
Joanne, thanks for your connection with the writing life! Now dabble in that inkwell and blot the fine stuff everywhere!!
Cindy, Terre, and Kristen, glad to hear ye like a tale wi' a few dark twists and turns! Oops, I forgot this was my Sally's turn. Mary is later! Yes, I am the spaciest person in Normal.
Susan, wavin' at you with my fine Schaeffers pen (right). More like my red-inked appendage that corrects Eileen's great stories!
Christi, thanks for your interest!
T. Anne, your enthusiasm has rubbed off on me and I'm gonna take my dog jogging to spread the love!!!! Laura thanks you from the bottom of her soul.
Jeanette, dear soulmate!!!!!!!!
Thank you for taking time to stop by! You can't have this book, dear. YOU'VE ALREADY BOUGHT SEVERAL (LOL).
AND DEAR EILEEN, In the midst of your writing contest, THANKS for taking the time to send me the questions, not once but twice (see spaciness comment above!)
WOW! What an amazing cast o' ladies show up at this blog. It's the music, Eileen. I've had it on this WHOLE TIME!!!! SOOOO soothing...
Blessings to all.
Terri, I renamed you after the earth. Hope you aren't offended.
The fingers got a little giddy.
This sounds like an interesting book.
Please include my name in the drawing.
Please enter me too. The word memories struck me as I am trying to draw upon mine for my next WIP. Good interview.
This sounds wonderful! Ooh.. and the contest ends on my B-day. :)
Please enter me in your contest.
Eileen, where have you found all of these lovely friends? Sure wish they'd hop on Facebook and check out my daily Art Bites (if they love art, that is). AND, of course, my monthly contest for a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card at www.pattilacy.com!!!
Quiet Spirit, your name resonates with my soul. Blessings!
Jan, wow! Would love to hear about YOUR WIP. My favorite books draw from the author's memories!!!
Jessica, Happy Almost Birthday!
Hope God reveals a special way that you are strangely and wonderfully made on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, also the birthday of MARGARET MITCHELL OF GONE WITH THE WIND FAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great information.
Of course,enter me. You can visit the ole blog (if I should win) or email me tcoltrin at gmail dot com
I have Patti's first book and love it. I would love to win a copy of this book. Please enter me in this drawing. My email address is shryackmom[@]charter[.]net
Teresa, love your blogging name! I too keep a journal.
Cheryl, thanks ever so much for being the Irishwoman's friend! Remember, she needed some (LOL)
Keep these lovely folks coming, Eileen? Leftover Halloween candy? Something else to lure them close?????
I grew up in the south during the 60s and would love to read Patti's book. An Irishwoman's Tale was excellent and I expect no less from this one. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I was so impressed with what I read about the book that I ordered it on amazon even before I got to the end of your post and read about your give-away! I'll still put in for it, though, make a good Christmas gift.
Good post. Patti sounds like a great writer, and I enjoyed your interview with her as well.
Also, thanks for your good comments on the divorce article on Family Fountain.
Carole, I guess that makes us Swamp Sistas as well! Hope you like the quite different Bayou!
Warren, why thank you! So this blogging DOES sell books, as I've heard!
Sigh. And we need books sold.
Now, Patti, stop PREACHIN' TO THE CHOIR!!!!! (Sorry)
great interview, eileen. it was great to get a glimpse into patti's world. also, beautiful new headshot!
The Character Therapist
Jeannie, a la character therapist! I should've hired you to work on my head cases Sally and Shamika.
Thanks for the great interview. I loved reading it. Book sounds great and would love to get entered in the giveaway.
This sounds great!! I loved your interview...thanks for the chance:)
Jo and Christin, thanks ever so much! The problem is I hope ALL of Y'ALL WIN!
Thank you all so much for stopping by. I've been crazy busy with NaNo land this week, but have enjoyed my inbox filling up with people entering this giveaway.
Patti is an amazingly gifted writer and mentor. I wouldn't be near as far in my writing journey without her wonderful support and guidance.
I know whoever wins will truly be blessed by What the Bayou Saw. The lesson within is amazing!
Hope to see you all on Monday to vie for Patti's debut novel, An Irishwoman's Tale. There will be different questions answered then, too, to get to know the author a little more.
Patti, thank you so much for your bebopping back and forth in here to respond to everyone. So very kind of you!!
Well, Eileen's oozing Southern belle charm--Southern Canada, that is!!! LOL, and thanks!!!
this looks wonderful thanks minsthins at optonline dot net
Please enter me. Thank you!
Please enter my name in your draw for this wonderful book. Thanks.
Mindy and Cherie and Wanda,
My socks have been blessed off by y'all!
Thanks ever so much for the how-de-doo!!!!
Thanks for a great review and the glimpse into another writer's life. I love her list of other stuff going on in Normal. That's where I live. LOL.
Enter me for a chance - Candee[at]CandeeFick[dot]com
Childhood can be difficult enough without the added burden of the dark memories. This sounds like a very good read. Just Joany
Candee, are you sure you're not in our twin city, Abnormal!!!You are definitely my type of lady!
Just Joany, Ooh, I just read an AMAZING new women's fiction manuscript by Carla Stewart! Remember that name--you've got a great book comin' up in 2010. (Wanna know the name of it? You didn't learn it here, right???)
Great interview! It sound like a fantastic book! I think this is one I'd like to read with my daughter, for some together time!
Well, batchicky, you certainly have an unusual pen name!
Come on, folks! Let's hit 50 with this blog!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful interview. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks for a chance for the book...great interview.
PS - there is something for you over at my blog today :)
I would love to be entered!! It sounds like a great book!!
My email address is
Email me and I'll send you my snail mail address.
When I was in school, I'd gotten a zero for not following directions.:)
Little Eagle, Bina, and Nicole, thanks for the visit!
Congratulations, Quiet Spirit! Would love to hear from any of y'all would read the book!
Really great interview. Please add my name to the draw.
I'm anxious to read the story. I've been blogging for a while and I hope to get reconnected with writers...and writing.
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