Today I continue with the challenge of writing a one-page synopsis. By working my way through Pam McCutcheon's
Writing the Fiction Synopsis exercises, I hope to have a completed not-too-shabby synopsis by the end of today. I'll let you know how it went in tomorrow's post.

If you've written any synopsis before, what words of wisdom do you have to share? I could use all the help I can get.
May God have His hand in my daily work, as I traverse this monstrous hill.
Blessings prayed for you all,
Ugh. Have fun.
I have now officially written three synopses.
My main advice? No secondary characters unless they're crucial to the plot (since you're writing category romance). Make sure to hit the main turning points of your story, including the black moment.
Good luck! :-)
Thanks, Jessica. I've written a few before, too, but they all stink in my opinion.
I'll be sure to include those points and the black moment. Thanks for the tips!
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