Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lululemon Makes You Think

After church on Sunday, I took a drive to London for my girls to get their Lululemon fix for the start of school. My girls have enjoyed the quality and look of Lululemon fitness wear for several years, but because we don't have one near by, it's a real treat to go there. One can only afford an item or two at a time, even that often breaks the bank, but the quality is what keeps us coming back.

Guess what mom loves the most about Lululemon?

Yes, it's the bag! Not only is it free with purchase, reusable, and even attractive, but also . . .


Have you ever taken the time to really ponder all that is written on their bags?

"Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks." If my editing goes at a snail's pace when I'm rushing for conference, do I just give up on it? Do I keep trudging along, knowing that I'm not going to have this piece fully polished by then? Yes, but I also work on one-sheets, elevator pitches, etc. to discuss the story's merits with editors and agents, in hopes of sending off a proposal in a month or so when it is ready, and by then it will also have any suggested changes incorporated in it too.

"The world is changing at such a rapid rate that waiting to implement changes will leave you 2 steps behind. DO IT NOW, DO IT NOW, DO IT NOW!" Just write already--create that new mythical adventure that seems way too out there and write it. It may be the beginning of a new craze like vampires and warlocks. You'll never know unless you do it now!

"Do one thing a day that scares YOU." Imagine if we had our characters do this? When my youngest remarked on this one, I commented that I think the word "scares" should be replaced with "challenges". Totally less scary to me! Heehee.

What about you, are you a Lululemon fan? For the bag, or the attire?

P.S. I have a Facebook Writer's fan page up now, but having trouble getting people to "Like" me. Does anyone know how to install that tiny "like" button on your blog? I'm embarrassed that I can't figure this out on my own.

Have a blessed week, everyone!

Surrendering to Him,



Jaime Wright said...

Ok seriously - I have never heard of Lululemon! Googling as we speak ...

Eileen Astels Watson said...

Seriously, Jaime? You've never heard of it? I can't believe it's not in the U.S. People travel to London and Toronto around here just to go to a Lululemon store.

Unknown said...

I just discovered Lululemon when we were in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago! I'm still kicking myself for not buying a pair of running pants because they come in talls and they hem for free. I can never find workout pants that are long enough! I also want to buy a running skirt. I think they're so cute.

Warren Baldwin said...

Never heard of lululemon. But I like the sayings, esp, "Do one thing a day that scares YOU." I like your daughter's suggestion of changing scares to challenges. An elder in our church used to say, "Commit to one project a year that you DON'T want to do. It's good for discipline."


Jessica Nelson said...

Never heard of that store but their bag sounds awesome.
For the button, you have to look around your page. There's a way to do it. They'll just give you a code, but I can't remember how because it was the biggest pain in my behind. Heh.
I'll like your page though! And you can invite everyone on your facebook to like it, though out of 700 "friends" I only have 75 likes.

Sandra Orchard said...

Nope, me neither. And I live here! Like the sayings, though. As for FB, buried somewhere in the help pages for "pages" is how to load the link. I put it on my website, not my blog and found it renders fine on IE, but weird on my Mac (Firefox) not sure what that problem is. Your page tells me I liked you. Are you seeing me? :D

Jessica R. Patch said...

LOVE this post. However, I've never heard of the company before. :( Maybe I should put my ms down and get out more! ha!

I installed my like button, turned out it was just the platform button. LOL I am not your gal to help there!

Loree Huebner said...

Never heard of it, but I'm going to look it up.

I will find your page and "like" you.


Sarah Forgrave said...

I've never heard of Lululemon either, but I think I'd go there just for the bags. Wow! Good stuff. :)

Eileen Astels Watson said...

It must be a teen thing! I can't believe you guys haven't heard of it! Wonderful workout wear that's so compfy to wear.

Julie, you must go back to Hawaii and get yourself some!!! I'll join you!

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm one of them who hasn't heard of it either. But it sounds cute. :)

Kara said...

This is my sisters favorite store! I have several of the bags because she will stick veggies from her garden in them and drop them off to me:) Love the clothes and the bags!!
I will go check out your facebook page:)