Are you like me, and wear many writing hats at once? This week I find myself jumping from one task to another, and I see no end to the whiplash anytime soon. I don't want to let my current wip die, or rather become comatose while I work on getting ready for an upcoming writer's conference, so what should I do?
I'm working on proposal writing, proofreading and subsequently editing an old manuscript once more (what's another round to tackle?), filling out a questionnaire for a gracious blogger who is featuring me next week, adding scenes to my current wip, and continuing to brush up on the skills of creative writing all at once. So I ask you, when you're in need of juggling writing duties, do you jump from one task to another within a single day, or do you slot certain tasks in on specific days of the week?
Which method works better for you? And please don't tell me you're immune to multitasking. I don't think my shattered nerves could handle that.
Surrendering to Him,
Hmmm, I'm a do what I feel like at the moment person. :-) No multi-tasking here.
I tackle the easiest ones first saving the ones I love for last. Maybe I should say the ones that hang over me like an axe--I do first. I have been wearing a few hats lately too--trying to get my real estate stuff back up to par and doing the needed courses and requirements(hate it) but it needs to be done--so I do it and then use my writing as my reward!
I think we have to remember that our writing career involves more than our actual writing. Taking the time to write proposals, to edit, to get ready for conferences, etc.--all of it is part of the job. I'm not in your situation yet, but I think in your case I would probably cut back my word count goals, still trying to keep my WIP in my mind and write a little bit on it, but then focus on getting those other things done.
It is hard, kind of like being a mom, we have so many things we have to juggle at one time. Remember back to when you had just one child and how hard it was? Then you got use to it and added another and another! With each one you grow in your capacity to handle the work. Do you think writing is like that? We keep on adding more, and God gives us the ability to grow and juggle it all?
Jessica, do you hear my frustration with you? Seriously, I could learn much from you. How's the tots feeling today? Are all through with the flu bug, I hope!
Terri, I'm praying for your many hats. I can't imagine adding the challenges of a different career to my stack of to-do's now. Okay, I'm really big time for you now!
Jody, I believe you've got that totally right. We grow with the challenges presented. But I also seem to recall that as my family grew, my house cleaning waned to make more time for them. No longer did everything have to be spotless--I just came to accept that. So it makes me struggle to figure out which of these challenges does God feel needs a rest right now. I don't want to lose the momentum (albeit slow as it is) of my new wip, and everything else seems calling for my attention, too. I guess I just need to keep going as I am and keep praying for answers. At least I'm still managing to get snacks made and dinner on the table each night.
LOL Don't be frustrated with me! I do what I feel like doing, which means I have a pile of revisions to go through because I haven't felt like doing them. LOL Be happy, you're progressing. :-) Just don't overload yourself.
I just read your comment over on Lady Glamis's post and had to laugh. Poor you. You're not the only one to do that with the knees though. Camy Tang's character rips her ACL twice. So did Camy. This is a case of where it's good to write what you know. :-)
If there's something REALLY important that needs to get done right away, I'll devote my time to that. But if it's a myriad of tasks, I'll usually try to work a bit on each every day. That way I feel like I'm making progress in all of them and I don't feel like I am getting behind or getting of the habit of doing something.
i am trying to do my blogging hat on one day and schedule posts throughout the week. editing comes secondary to writing...at least until i'm finished with the WIP. when you figure this out, let me know. :)
I'm not immune to mulit-tasking. I just don't even try. LOL!
If I'm home, I'm writing. Period. That's non-negotiable. I also consider networking (e-mails, blogs, Facebook, etc...) necessary each day.
Everything else, I ask myself what I'm in the mood for. Sometimes I feel like critiquing a few more chapters. Other times I'm in the mood to read another chapter from a book on craft. And there are times I chuck it all and call my sister!
I'm aweful at this. I write with facebook and twitter in the background. When I need a breather, I click over and read a blog. A moment later, I have to diffuse a fight between two of my children. Then I'm back to my WIP. Sometimes I'll even have my OTHER WIP open, the one that's finished but I'm still putting the final editing touches on, and do a bit of editing.
I need to stop. I need to focus. I'd be much more efficient if I did!!!
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