I'm guilty of it. And I honestly lift my heavy heart to the Lord over this sin probably most of all.
But what makes humans so judgemental? Is it ignorance? Rudeness? Knowledge? Self-confidence? Or lack there of? Or, perhaps sometimes it's sparked by fear. I suspect judgement comes from an infinite number of sources, and that's why it's so difficult to rid our state of minds of it.
I mean, isn't prejudice, racism, stubbornness, jealousy, and hate, to name a few, all byproducts of being judgemental about others, and even ourselves?
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4:3-5
"I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God."
I challenge you to read and study those verses. They are full of council, and very freeing words if we practice their teaching in all aspects of our life.
As I read CBA and ABA books I hope to not judge, but rather seek to find what nuggets of gold, lessons, if you will, they hold for me to discover a better understanding of who I am and what I believe. Let us not judge one another's work in our book reviews, but rather share what we gained from the read. (Now that's just one aspect to be considered by this writer. How else can I refrain from being judgemental? Let me count thy ways.)
Surrendering to Him,
Let us not judge one another's work in our book reviews, but rather share what we gained from the read. This is my favorite line from your whole post. So often we are quick to pick out the negative and not the good. Great reminder:))
Hi Eileen, I was wondering where you were this morning! Didn't see your post bright and early like I usually do!
I definitely struggle with pride and judgement. I just recently bought a new release by a Christian author. And as I started, I just couldn't seem to stop myself from being critical! Oh how I wish I could!
Good Morning, Terri and Jody. Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments!
I'm constantly having to discern whether I'm judging or struggling to understand something. There is a difference, but, oh, so subtle. That's why I'm constantly in prayer for forgiveness, I guess.
Great post! That is exactly what I believe. Also I like to build people up and not tera them down, esp. not in their hard work i.e. writing.
T. Anne, I think that's the crux of it all. Why He asks us to not judge. You're so very right. God calls us to build His fellow children up, definitely not tear them down! Besides, when it comes to reviews, reading and writing is so very, very subjective. If an editor, in this tough market, felt it was worth publishing then there's got to be something positive in it to discuss in our reviews.
Great post, Eileen! :-) Being judgmental is so easy to do. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for the post! I struggle too much with this as well... the root of it is a nasty combination of self-doubt and pride. An odd combination, I know. But it's what leads me to a judgmental attitude. I have to constantly bring it before God. Thanks for the reminder!
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