The highlighting feature, which basically takes the pieces you highlight and copies them into a separate document for easy access, is one of the main reasons for my change of heart. Just imagine what you could do with a document filled with "new" words for you to use in your own writing, or samples of wonderful transitions to study for replicating the style in your own work. The list can go on of wonderful uses for this feature. Thankfully Mother's Day is coming up and I'm leaving hints for hubby and the girls! :)
I'm not saying I'm giving up on purchasing traditional books. Can't see myself ever fully doing that, but if a novel I'm aching to get is available in Kindle version, I'd probably choose it first.
If I'm being honest, though, if I discovered I loved the read on Kindle, I'd likely buy it in traditional form, too. So, maybe this e-publishing isn't all that bad after all?
Oh, and the free sample chapters is an awesome feature too, and the fact that you can get your book sent instantaneously to you is another. Now I really can't wait for Mother's Day!
What about you? Have you got a Kindle? If so, how are you liking it? If not, what's holding you back?
Surrendering to Him,
I do have an eReader, and love it. For me, it expands my reading possibilities by so much. I have B&N's Nook, which has the same features you mention here. The reason I did choose the Nook is that I can borrow eBooks from the library on it too. Amazon does not allow this with the Kindle, and I thought it was a nice option to have, with so many libraries eLending now.
I have a Nook, and I love it! I got it because I didn't want to have to use the proprietary software on the Kindle -- I wanted the option of using other products (not just from Amazon) and I liked the idea of being able to borrow digital books from the library... and trade books with others through the lending feature. And I could get NetGalley books on the Nook! I think Kindle is getting most of these features now, so the discrepancy is disappearing. Regardless of the device, though, eReaders are super fantastic -- I'm honestly not reading or buying any fewer print books now that I have it, I'm just reading and buying MORE books because my options have expanded.
Don't have one yet, and hadn't really considered buying one till my husband expressed an interest. I may get him one for his birthday this summer. Thanks for the info! :)
I've had some limited use of reading books on my daughter's iPad. I love the convenience. The glare, when used in a dimly-lit gymnasium got to me a little, after I was almost through an entire book.
Just drooled over a friend's Kindle Friday. Hmmm, had thought all the "major" holidays were done. Will have to consider making my pitch for Mother's Day.
By the way, the Kindle cost just dropped, if you don't mind ads.
I don't have one yet, but I'm getting there. I'm kinda waiting for a standard to emerge. Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader.
I have a Kindle, and I'm a fan, especially because I can carry a hundred books in my purse! It will never replace regular books for me though.
I have a Kindle app on my phone and about 20 books on it. It's great for long waits and such but to me nothing misses the feel of a book. But then, I'm known to bury my face in the bindings and smell the ink, so a Kindle doesn't kick it for me ;)
I haven't thought about getting one. I have to justify the price of anything I purchase and my husband is not one who is computer literate. I try to explain what these devices are and haven't been able to decide all the properties they possess.
I don't have one yet, but would like to get one. I am saving all my extra money right now for the conference I"m attending in Aug. But I do have a BD, and Christmas...
I've been thinking about it but have not purchased one yet.
Maybe soon.
I don't have one. I still prefer the traditional book. But I might get an e-reader just to have when I'm travelling, since it would be a lot more portable than a stack of books. I wouldn't get the Kindle though; it's not compatible with books downloadable from my local libraries.
Eileen, Sounds like you're a fan already! I am, too, though have only had mine a month. I still prefer my favorite books in paper adn hard back. However, today I found a new craft book by James Scott Bell that is only available on Kindle and it's for a whopping $2.99 or so. I'm smiling about that;)
LOVE my Kindle!!! BUT I gave it to my boys as soon as I got the ipad with the Kindle app. It is better, but I appreciate both.
Hi Eileen,
A couple of years ago, before I'd really heard about e-readers, my husband got me a Sony e-reader for Christmas. It's got advantages, but I still prefer paperbacks.
You have to buy the books through the the Sony store, so the ones through Amazon are not available for SOny. Kindles look intriguing, so do the Nooks. I did download for free the Kindle for Pc application. Haven't actually read a book on it yet though.
Technology is changing faster than my brain can keep up!! LOL.
I have recently purchased the IPad and can buy books via the Kindle app. I haven't yet though! I want to share the book after I read it, something you cannot do with ebooks as far as I know. But I do plan one day to try it.
I have a Kindle WiFi 3G and love it.
I'm not there yet--my daughter is visiting now with hers and I look at it but it hasn't captured me yet!
I do have a Kindle and I love it. I love downloading samples and trying it out before choosing which to buy.
I definitely want one but just haven't taken the plunge yet. Probably the cost is what holds me back the most. That, and convincing my husband it's a practical purchase. :)
Susan (Anne Mason), some Ontario libraries have free downloadable books for the Sony e-Readers. Check to see if BPL offers this service.
That highlight feature is wonderful! And I havent' done this yet, but I've heard other say they email documents that they are critiquing to their kindle, it has increased their productivity.
There's still nothing like the smell and feel of a new book in your hands though!!
So glad to see you back blogging, though I never commented enough last year for you to remember me, I'm sure!
I have one and LOVE it. I was a hold out for a long time and figured I couldn't live down getting one after how harsh I was when they came out. I agree with Rosslyn--it's the having a whole library in my purse that's so fantastic. I still own plenty of "real" books and will continue to do so, but man, the Kindle is handy!
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