Biting My Tongue!
I don't know about you, but I'm an expensive wife! At least I dream to be. I'm always dreaming of something that needs renovating. Like my pink bathtub, pink toilet and sink, and then there's the green toilet and vanity, and then there's the kitchen with the chipped painted cupboards, broken rollers, and stained tile counter top. I mean, who wouldn't want to upgrade these rooms? I'm guessing the States is like Canada, in that bone colour or white is in right now and has been for the last few decades. Am I right?
Well, apparently my hubby doesn't have a problem with any of this. And so, even when the opportunity poses itself for a great lead-in to my wonderful renovation suggestions, for this week I'm sacrificing my tongue for the love of my dear hubby. I'm going to keep my mouth shut and give hubby a break from this broken record of desiring household renovations. But I'm only committing to one week, or he might truly think his wife has taken a 180. Which I definitely have not! But one week of peace is better than none. Right?
What could you bite your tongue over this week as a blessing for your dear spouse?
Surrendering to Him,
Hmmm, well the first pre-season football game was on last night. So perhaps I'll bite my tongue and not say anything to him about football season starting up again this year and all of the games he watches! He's actually learned over the years the importance of self-control with watching sports because he's seen some dads and husbands devote hours and hours a week to it at the neglect of their families. So I'm grateful that he recognizes that it can be an issue!
My bathtub and sink are blue, which goes really well with my purple floor and 70s shell sink. Which is, of course pink. I should probably bite my tongue and stop complaining about this.
You're such a good wife!
I'm biting my tongue to not nag my hubby about the water stains on our ceiling that STILL need to be painted. :) I know he's been busy.
I'll bite my tongue about him working such long hours. But like you, I think I can only manage 1 week! :)
Hmmm, great question. I guess I should bite my tongue about how he talks. He's very crude and I'm always nagging him about it because it bothers me. Maybe it's time to give him a break. Sigh. Can I buy some earplugs in the process? LOL
Good for you for doing this! Thanks for the post. :-)
Yikes! Tongue biting is hard, but you're right--it does promote peace. And what a huge blessing for husbands to not be barraged with requests or nagging (in my case.)
Maybe I'll bite my tongue on his driving. Unless he's darting in and out of traffic, or about to make an unsafe left turn, or forgets to put on his seatbelt. Or....maybe we should ride separately?
I'm not married but I do need to bite my tongue when he's in the middle of something and I'm trying to talk to him about something and he's not listening. I'm learning! Just wait until he's finished! Apparently he can only focus on one thing at a time.
This is so convicting. I'm going to bite my tongue on the patio idea. For two summers now we've swapped ideas about what to do with part of the backyard. I say deck, he says patio. Now I'm to the point where I just wish we'd do something!
So for a week, at least, I'll just say nuffin...cuz I love that man!
I do my best to bite my tongue when critical comments come to mind and focus instead on thanking him for the many wonderful things he does for me. He's my biggest supporter. Yesterday he actually took my hands and happy danced with me when he learned that I finaled in another contest. Loved that!
Oh, Eileen. You're such an inspiration. I'll definitely bite my tongue this week. I'm not sure on what yet, but I know it will come to me!
i need to bite my tongue when my husband goes out to the wood shop more often than i'd like to work on his canoe. it's a special project for him and i need to be understanding!
Hmmm, so many things, what to choose, what to choose... Oh I know! I won't mention the fact his sporting equipment is STILL in the dinning room since June.... grrr...
Eileen, I love how you spell colour! It's more romantic than color, which I find boring.
Okay, okay, if I have to choose just one I will stop reminding my husband that we NEED a newer car before winter. The Lord knows this, and He is capable of poking my husband to car shop without my constant whining, i mean reminders.
Thanks for helping us love better. You are a great example, Eileen.
Thanks for the good suggestion. I could definitely bite my tongue about the basement. It's a disaster, but primarily because we were remodeling the kitchen and had to move a lot down there. But hubby worked hard to get the kitchen almost completely finished while I was on vacation. He's a good guy! I definitely need to appreciate him more this week (and all the weeks after that!). He even thanked me profusely for the yummy dinner I made last night and all the cleaning I did on the house. Do you think he's reading your blog too? :D
If I learned to bite my tongue when I SHOULD, I wouldn't have a tongue left. I really need to work on this and have been praying about it!
I bite my tongue TOO much sometimes. At the moment I have TWO broken toilets that don't flush right, a broken dishwasher, a kitchen floor that is HORRID, and carpet that looks like it's spotted from all the myriad of stains on it.
But do I complain? Okay, sometimes I do. But... for the last month or so I've kept my mouth shut, hoping beyond hope that he would just DO it without me asking. Did it happen? NO.
And then when I DID ask him (specifically regarding the worst toilet and the dishwasher) he says, "I don't know how to fix it. What do you want me to do?"
and more GRRRRRRRR
SO I keep my mouth shut. HIs parents are coming in September, and his dad LOVES to fix things, so I'm hoping it annoys THEM bad enough that they make him fix it (and show him how....)
So that's my plan. For now, I endure.
I will bite my tongue on the family room carpet. It's atrocious even after I just cleaned it...bad again already.
Hey, about those kitchen cupboards..they're REDICULOUS functional Eileen...you could use a facelift in there...but you have GREAT Space...i was admiring it last week. lol
I'll come help paint it if you like...and replacing doors is a LOT cheaper than getting new cabinetry..call me. lol
I am trying to learn the fine are of when to speak and when to bite your own tongue off. Hard!
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