Does anyone experience what I'm enduring right now?
Since Monday I've been deep cleaning our house in preparation for the family gathering on Saturday. As I go along, I'm discovering that only a small portion of it will actually be complete, as each room is taking me way longer than expected--especially with all the sneezing, weepy eyes, and runny nose getting in the way! My head is driving me nuts.
The dust motes are jumping for joy and celebrating their victory over me taking so long to get to them! Hate it when I make dirt happy!
Anyway, tomorrow is blog garden tour day for me. And since my gardens aren't near as nice as they should be, I'll strategically capture in my camera lens what looks semi-presentable and share only those pictures. I'll also share an old-fashioned lemonade recipe for this little garden party. I hope others will join me in posting a picture or two of their favorite flower, vegetable plant, grass, or whatever is growing in your yard now that you thank God for.
We'll continue with Writing the Breakout Novel learnings next week. Too busy with cleaning this week to put into words what I've captured so far in my reads lately. It certainly is deserving of this second read and many more, I'm discovering.
Since Monday I've been deep cleaning our house in preparation for the family gathering on Saturday. As I go along, I'm discovering that only a small portion of it will actually be complete, as each room is taking me way longer than expected--especially with all the sneezing, weepy eyes, and runny nose getting in the way! My head is driving me nuts.
The dust motes are jumping for joy and celebrating their victory over me taking so long to get to them! Hate it when I make dirt happy!
Anyway, tomorrow is blog garden tour day for me. And since my gardens aren't near as nice as they should be, I'll strategically capture in my camera lens what looks semi-presentable and share only those pictures. I'll also share an old-fashioned lemonade recipe for this little garden party. I hope others will join me in posting a picture or two of their favorite flower, vegetable plant, grass, or whatever is growing in your yard now that you thank God for.
We'll continue with Writing the Breakout Novel learnings next week. Too busy with cleaning this week to put into words what I've captured so far in my reads lately. It certainly is deserving of this second read and many more, I'm discovering.
Surrendering to Him,
I don't envy the task ahead of you but I'm not very good at that sort of thing. Definitely post before and after pics. Maybe I'll feel inspired to learn how to do something!
you beat me to my blog this morning before i could comment on yours to tell you got it! :) congrats anyway....and looking forward to a lemonade recipe! :)
When you get done with your house, will you come do mine? :)
I'm needing to do some deep cleaning around here myself in preparation for company.
And I'm planning on joining you in the garden blog post tomorrow. My son just went out to take some photos of the garden.
Ugh, I was just thinking last night that I really need to scrub the house down and I'm so not looking forward to it. I too get sneezy and weepy when attacked by distrubed dust.
When I became a rich ole writer I'm hiring someone to do the dirty work for me ;)
I've been trying to declutter the house all summer but my motivation hit it's zenith this week with the realization school is just around the corner. I think I'm going to call the good will to come and pick up the bags of stuff we don't need anymore.
Lol, I did a post about being allergic to cleaning when I first started blogging. Something about how I should be able to call in sick to work (since I'm a stay-at-home mom) because I kept sneezing :)
I'm looking forward to the garden pictures!
Hi, Eileen! It's nice to meet you! Congrats on cleaning; it's not always fun but it is worth it! Have a great day!
Duking it out with dirt and dust bunnies is no fun, but I hope you enjoy the clean house that results.
I look forward to your pictures. I'm so not a yard person, so I will enjoy looking at the beauty in yours.
I hope I remember to do that. I have gorgeous hibiscas (sp.) growing in our front yard.
Cleaning + me = nightmare. :D
~ Wendy
I'm definitely NOT jealous of you today! I tackled my "spring" cleaning earlier in the summer. I only get to a small section at a time so it never all feels clean. But I got through most of the house and only missed one room! I'll start with that one first next summer!
Hi Eileen -
Too bad we can't put some kind of finishing spray on the house after a deep cleaning. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it stayed clean?
Have a great time with your family.
Susan :)
Happy Cleaning! I am allergic to dust too so I understand!
I am not only allergic to deep cleaning, but shallow cleaning as well. Truthfully, I just hate to clean. It' so boring. But someone has to do it, so guess what my solution is? Read my book when it comes out and you'll find out. Hahahaa!
I only deep clean when I nest, and since I have no ovaries, uterus or cervix, you can imagine what a mess it is around here!
I actually want to clean. I hate a mess around me if it's my house. Other people's houses don't bother me. :-)
I'm so sorry about your head! :-( I hope it feels better soon.
I wish I was allergic to cleaning...so horribly allergic that I'd never have to do it. ;)
Can't wait to see pics of your garden!
Ugh... good luck with finishing up your cleaning! It's possibly my least favorite task, EVER. I wish I was more allergic... I'd have an excuse to hire someone! Lol. All the best in your preparations :)
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