sharing a little laughter!
What makes your hubby laugh? A good comedy? A clean joke? Funny prank? Or an all out tickle fight?
If it's a prank, I've got one for you to try. If your hubby isn't fond of snakes, but has a very strong heart, and might get a kick out this, have fun with it. Find a curled English cucumber, the longer the better. Be sure to clean off all the prickles so that it is nice and smooth. Slip between the sheets on hubby's side of the bed far enough down that he won't notice it until he crawls in and feels it. Be ready for a quick exit from the bed and a good laugh when he realizes it's only a cucumber and not the dreaded snake he thought it was!
My challenge this week is to share a good laugh with hubby while we are at the cottage. Would love to hear what gets your hubby laughing.
Surrendering to Him,
I love these Friday love posts you have.
One thing I thank God for is that Ryan and I laugh A LOT. About silly things. Usually once a night we get a good laugh in. And the later it is, the more delerious we become and the more we laugh. :)
This won't surprise you, but we laugh A LOT about words and phrases, especially when one gets twisted around. Last night while editing a chapter, I wrote, "A small businessman offered Kevin a job..."
After I read it out loud, I realized how silly this sounded, and we had a huge laugh over that one!
Have fun at the cottage. Be sure and stop over to my blog before you leave, and enter the drawing for a free book!
That's funny!
My hubby usually makes ME laugh. I told him when the laughter stops, I'm outta here. LOL! (Of course, I'm kidding) :)
How funny! That would be a great little prank to play. Have a super time at the cottage!
my husband just wouldn't react to this at all. i think secretly, he's like rambo and commando in one. in his job, though, he can't have emotional reactions (like i do) to crisis events...or someone could die (coast guard aviation rescue). i'll have to think about this one....
Oh, man, there would be fireworks!
The DH and I laugh a lot. At each other, the kids, life in general.
I have to be careful about playing pranks on my hubby, because he's sure to come up with an even better one to repay me! :) He loves playing pranks and is really good at them!
That's a great prank. My boyfriend is a prankster so it would be fun to do one on him. The problem is, if I open that can of worms (pun intended) he's likely to seek retribution. And it probably will not be pretty!
Does this work both ways?
No, probably not.
LOL! MY DH might have a heart attack or throw the cucumber right at me, either, or....
You do have a point though, I need to cherish, have fun with and praise God for my wonderful husband. Isn't God amazing that he allows us to have that perfect someone in our lives? And yet wise enough not to have the marriage covenant in Heaven for all eternity (OK ignore that last wise crack. But in my defense I couldn't help it ;)
My husband is the prankster. He definitely keeps me on my toes. I might just have to give him a taste of his own medicine!
Haha! That would be so funny! LOL
Eileen, my hubby has a great sense of humor. He's usually the one to make me laugh. Knowing he likes jokes, I no longer buy him mushy cards. I go for funny these days, which he much prefers.
I did give him a good laugh once. After he'd gone to bed, I sneaked into the kitchen, took out the sandwich he'd packed for his lunch the next day and slipped in a love note written on a piece of waxed paper. He came home that night with the paper that bore a bite mark in the corner and told me how he'd roared when he bit into his sandwich and discovered my note between the turkey and swiss cheese. He still remarks about my prank from time to time.
I'll have to think about the cucumber trick. I know Gwynly would laugh. It's the retaliation I worry about. I don't do surprises well--especially when they involve snakes and other creepy crawlies. If I dish it out, though, I gotta be ready to take it, right?
We laugh at stupid things and it feels so good. I would never dare do that to him as I am petrified of snakes and I would live in fear that he would do it back!!!
Hubby and I laugh a lot too... no pranks though! If I pulled one, he'd pull one back on me and pranks tend to make me furious. With us, it's more the comedic physical humor, or verbal banter.
I also do this funny waddle-walk when I'm very happy/excited and can't contain it, and he bursts into laughter every time... I don't even realize I'm doing it until he starts laughing, which of course is contagious. It's great! :D
Sounds like we are all blessed with lots of laughter in our marriages. So awesome to hear!
T. Anne, your comment had me howling! You poor thing you! May he not test your nerves too much today!
LOVE me some good humor:-) Hubby and I laugh tons, most of the time I think it's him rolling his eyes at me though. *grin* I don't do pranks, not really, because I very rarely like them done on me. And if I pull one on him, he might reciprocate!
I look forward to hearing the laughter of Jesus! We laugh mostly at the antics of our animals and grandchildren.
A blogger I follow is a follower of yours. That's how I found you. I look forward to reading more of your blog now that I'm a follower too!
Have a good time at the cottage...
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