A Gift Unused is God's Grace Denied.
A profound thought. At least for me it is.
Consider the following verse:
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various form..." 1 Peter 4:10
I've always thought of God's grace as an amazing gift that I don't deserve, but so thankful to have. But never before did I really consider that I could be used as a vessel to deliver His grace to another person. According to Peter, though, we are to be faithful in administering God's grace through the gifts we are given.
We are instruments through which God extends His grace to others. Doesn't that make our responsibility to discover our gifts and use them all the more important? It does to me.
What gifts are you sharing to spread God's grace to others?
Surrendering to Him,
Good visual to make you think about your gifts.
Oh that sounds painful! I hope all is well, now.
A wonderful post and a great reminder to find out what our gifts are and to USE them for the kingdom!
Owie!! That sounds so painful! I hope she's on the mend soon and able to be up and around. :(
Praying for your daughter, and you...Take care
Sorry to hear about your daughter, Eileen! What a stinky way to start the school year.
Thanks for reposting this...It's a simple yet powerful message.
Sending healing prayers your daughter's way.
Lovely post.
I'm so sorry to hear about your kiddo's knee! Praying all is well!
Thanks all!
Cassandra is doing well. She's on pain meds, but getting mobility back fast. She went straight back to camp after they reset her knee cap, but unfortunately she's at a horseback riding camp and won't be able to get on one for a day or so yet.
I sure hope your youngest is feeling better - ouch!
Thoughts & prayers for you and your daughter!
How frustrating for your poor daughter. Hope she mends quickly and can get back on the horses!
It is hard to think of ourselves as gifts to others, but that's what we all are - in big ways and in small.
I completely believe in the importance of developing the talents we were given! I think it's being awfully ungrateful if we don't, and that if we don't appreciate a gift, we won't be able to keep it.
I hope your daughter gets feeling better soon!
I like the wisdom of this statement: A Gift Unused is God's Grace Denied.
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