Am I the only one who has trouble leaving comments on random blogs anymore? It seems one out of every two of the blogs I get around to visit won't let me leave a comment even as an anonymous author. It just keeps sending me in a loop to sign into Google/Blogger.
So I'm sorry if I've not appeared to be visiting. I have been around, minimally compared to what I was doing, but I am still checking into many blogs and trying hard to leave comments on them too, but sadly to no avail for many. And the worst part is the time it takes to try and leave a comment that won't be accepted as I'd rather be moving on to read the next wonderful blog in my short time allotments these days.
Anyway, know that I am sorry if my presence hasn't been felt, but I am trying to keep in touch. If you leave a comment here and I can't leave one on yours it'd be great if you had comment reply active so that I can at least email you my comments to your posts some times.
May the sun be shining in your corner of the world, and may Blogger get this issue fixed! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
POSSIBLE FIX UPDATE: This just in thanks to Wendy Paine Miller: "Heather S. cracked the code for me. I can't leave comments if the comments are embedded UNDER the post. I switched mine to pop out and things seem to have improved."
Hope you all try this and that it works for you and me! :) Thanks Wendy for passing the info along!
Surrendering to Him,
That is very frustrating, Eileen! I know a few people are still having problems with blogger.
Heather S. cracked the code for me. I can't leave comments if the comments are embedded UNDER the post. I switched mine to pop out and things seem to have improved.
I'm trying to spread the word b/c it's an easy fix.
~ Wendy
When I am frustrated by anything related to the cyber world, I am totally maxed out. I haven't gotten comments on several of my posts I went to my stats and found several of my followers had looked at my pages this week. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the answer Wendy sent you.
Hmmm. I've had people tell me they try to leave a comment on my blog (blogger) and they can't. I didn't realize it could be a blogger problem.
I'm learning WordPress now and might convert my blog to that.
Oh technology...friend and foe all wrapped up in one.
Thank you for your post--I thought I was the problem when it came to logging into Blogger, let alone posting. My time is limited as well, because I cannot access blogs from my day job at all, so any blogging time is after 11 PM, before 6 a.m., or on a day off if family and housekeeping duties allow. :)Makes it more challenging!
I'm so sorry! This is what has worked for me. When you go to a blog and it asks you to sign in, UNCLICK the "keep me signed in" button below your password. It almost seems like that thing is backwards so if you uncheck it, you'll stay signed in. That helped me. Good luck!
Super frustrating!
Thanks for clearing up the issue, Eileen. I fix mine site this evening.
I know it's frustrating. I went about 2 weeks with it working on and off. I couldn't leave comments...they would appear as anonymous...even on my own blog.
It has been working ok for the past few days.
I'll try this fix that Wendy mentioned.
I made mine a pop up window...try it again when you get a chance, Eileen.
Thanks for sharing. I thought it was me, too. How do you make them pop up?
Nevermind... I figured it out.
Heather's cure helped my blog. I saw on the ACFW loop tonight that blogger is going to a new look with extra options and this is the reason for the problem. We'll see! :)
I've had my frustrations, too. On a couple posts, a month or two ago, I could not get rid of the double spacing. Just posted again today, and it seems okay.
I don't see any followers on the title page of any blogs today, including mine. I looked into it briefly, but after not finding a solution, I decided not to worry about it.
I was a programmer analyst, and like you, I feel that it is ridiculous to have these issues go on and on, and especially to not have an adequate support or help system.
It has frustrated me but seems to be working now! Loved hearing from you and knowing that you are still around!
Blogger can become frustrating especially when I have a post already to publish and for some reason I can't. Probably my computer, but it's still annoying.
Glad you found a way to leave comments again.
Grrrrr blogger! You stinketh!
I changed my comments to pop up too. It seems to be working, I guess. But I'm trying to install Google chrome instead of Firefox. Hoping that will solve the world's problems. *wink*
I've heard other blogger bloggers having trouble with this. Glad you figured it out!
Blogger really had me testing my patience with all the problems that continued to occur throughout these last few months.
That's good to know. Only have had slight problems with it when I've gone to comment, and usually if I just click on comments again I can get it to come up. I've noticed too, that I have more general commenting success when I use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
Have a great rest of the week!
Yes! Thanx to Wendy and Heather I totally fixed my problems too! Thanx ladies!!
I switched to pop up too and that helped. Also, someone told me not to click the little box "stay signed in."
Another frustration, and I think this is with my computer but not with blogger - I can't see followers on my blog or anyone elses with one of my computers, but I can with another. Any suggestions?
Like Warren, I can't see my followers on my desktop computer, and I can't see yours either; yet, on my laptop, I can.
I've never known how the "cookies" thing works that I hear about on computers. Perhaps, I should investigate.
Heather's cure helped my blog.
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