Taking the Wheel from Time to Time.
Seriously, in our home, hubby is the driver when we're both in the car. It has always been that way and I don't see it changing anytime soon. But what happens when all go out for an ice cream treat and haven't time to linger and finish the creamy, cold, oh-so-flavorful cone?
Usually hubby still gets stuck manipulating his treat and the steering wheel. Not to mention the accelerator and break! So next time we find ourselves in a time crunch with a huge desire to stop for ice cream, I'm going to forgo the ice cream and take the wheel so that hubby can enjoy leisurely slurping away at his while I drive us to the next destination, because I don't think I could handle the treat and driving at the same time. I really don't need the calories anyway. Right!
So, what little responsibility could you take on as a special treat to make a moment in your hubby's or friends life a little more enjoyable? That's my challenge for this coming week. If an ice cream pit stop doesn't happen for us, I'll have to find another way to boost hubby's enjoyment of whatever somehow.
Surrendering to Him,
I love your thoughtfulness. I have never been the driver either when we get a treat like that cause he is so much better than me at balancing it!
Hmm-- I could probably take the garbage out more often as he does it every week plus tons of other stuff.
What a great challenge, even more so b/c it is our anniversary tomorrow and I should always be thinking this way. I'm going to get the recycles ready to go out. I know, it is a little task, but I hope it means something to him.
~ Wendy
I think that is wonderful that you are thinking of him! I'll go to the dry cleaners...which I hate to do for hubby this next week.
Aw, that is so sweet! You're really making me think. I do suppose I could be excited as we head for the county fair this weekend, because my dh enjoys it (me, not so much!) Maybe even agree to take that silly western photo he's always wanted...
I'm ALWAYS offering to drive, but my boyfriend just likes to be the one driving. He says it's because when he was a teen, he had a dozen or so friends killed in car accidents in a 2-year span of time and since then he can't really ride in a car without driving. He has to be in control in the car.
That's great. We always stop and take the time to enjoy the treats and the company. That five minutes makes the difference, and things can wait for us to take a little time off and just be in the same place.
Aww...that is so sweet!
My hubby never lets me drive--even for ice cream. I'm a good driver, too!
that's something that probably won't happen in our car. hubs always drives b/c honestly, he's a better driver than me. hmm...i'll put my thinking cap on to see what else i could do. :)
Where Romance Meets Therapy
That's a great idea, Eileen! It's great that he'll "let" you drive too. Some men are so intent on being the drivers that they won't let others drive. Of course, it might be because they don't want to stop and ask for directions if they get lost! :0)
Have a great weekend!
After 30 years together it's soooo EZ to take one another for granted. Thanks for the reminder to be thoughtful. I'll work on it.
LOL My hubby does the same with his ice cream too. So agile . . .
I mown the lawn now--good exercise and it smells sweet.
Hubby is the driver when we're together too. and both of us like it that way. I do need to do something nice for him though...hmm... I'll have to put on my thinking cap. ;)
This is something anyone can do. It doesn't take much to take over a small responsiblity for our husbands, but the message it sends is powerful. Thanks for the Friday pushes to be nice to our husbands.
EEekk! This post reminded me that I never made him breakfast in bed. *frowning*
OH man. I've mowed so many times that I was going to make him mow this time. *snapping fingers* I might still. LOL I guess I could make more meals. I just hate to cook Eileen. I can't tell you what a horrible chore it is for me. Sigh.
Honestly, I don't know what I could do to help him. He doesn't have any "chores" around the house. Maybe I could pick up sticks for when he mows. LOL! I think that's what I'll do.
You have a blessed hubby for having someone like you constantly thinking of ways to show your love. :-)
What a thoughtful wife you are, Eileen! My hubby came home with a new book for me last night! That's his way to my heart!
I always look forward to your posts on Friday, Eileen! I'm going to think about what chore I could do to help him out.
What a lovely reminder, Eileen.
My hubby is always doing things for me. I'm blessed that way. I'll volunteer to work in the yard with him. We're neither one yard people, and I'm guilty of leaving most of the work to him. *cringes* This weekend, I'll not only pitch in. I'll be a good sport.
And I hear you on cooking, Jessica. If I were to come into some money, I'd hired a cook. I don't need a fancy chef. My tastes are simple, but meals are much more satisfying when someone else prepares them.
These posts are so God-honoring and inspirational. I know I say it every Friday, but thank you for them!
I could mow the lawn for my hubby every now and then. I actually did it once this summer and he was beyond happy. Which made me beyond happy. :)
Hi Eileen -
Beautiful post! Bringing joy to your mate will produce joy in you.
Susan :)
You are so sweet and thoughtful! I could definitely beat my hubby to the trash and take care of it for him. :)
Wonderful post. I am going to pay more attention to the things I could do to make my husbands day more enjoyable and relaxing. I try to do this anyway, but sometimes when getting caught up in the day to day with the family, the simple things that can be done get missed.
Eileen, you are a Godsend to infuse life and love into everyone's marriage. I hope your next book is How to Love Your Mate the Way Jesus Loves His Bride. You've got it nailed, sister.
We're going on a long trip tomorrow to see our grands, so I will offer to be the first to drive, since Kev will be tired from his morning preaching and teaching.
Thanks for the reminder.
Love you,
Jen, Audience of ONE
P.S. Prize givaway on my blog Monday!
Eileen, you are a Godsend to infuse life and love into everyone's marriage. I hope your next book is How to Love Your Mate the Way Jesus Loves His Bride. You've got it nailed, sister.
We're going on a long trip tomorrow to see our grands, so I will offer to be the first to drive, since Kev will be tired from his morning preaching and teaching.
Thanks for the reminder.
Love you,
Jen, Audience of ONE
P.S. Prize givaway on my blog Monday!
Oops! Didn't mean to post two comments! I always did talk too much...
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