Time to confess. My attempt at the
NaNo challenge this year is awash. I've done precious little, as my attention and time has been called elsewhere. Life as a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend had other ideas for me this month. That's okay, though, I am still working through
The Unlikely One, but at the moment it is cluttering up my brain instead of occupying bits and bytes on my computer. It will fill those memory stores soon, though, just not in time to log progress in
NaNo land. Perhaps next year will work more like last year did for me.
Anyone else out there who attempted
NaNoWriMo this year? How are you all doing with the 2008 challenge?

35 days left this year to reflect and celebrate our Saviour's birth.
I am doing NaNo this year for the first time. I was doing really well with my word count until last week when my grandfather passed away. A whole week of family and funeral stuff really messed me up on the NaNo goal. I am working hard to get caught back up and make it across the finish line on the 30th. Right now my word cound is 28,509. Now back to more NaNo fun! :)
Sorry to hear about Nano. I've never tried it, knowing it's too hard to commit when you have tons of stuff going on. :-) Maybe next time. At least your brainstorming. Don't forget to take notes.
Sometimes I have the most amazing ideas for a plot, don't write it down and later can't remember a thing.
Hi Eileen,
I e-mailed you but sometimes my address gets caught in the spam traps so let me know if you don't get it. :-)
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