Monday, October 24, 2011

A Gift Unused is . . .

God's grace denied.
A profound thought. At least for me it is.
Consider the following verse:
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various form..." 1 Peter 4:10

I've always thought of God's grace as an amazing gift that I don't deserve, but so thankful to have. But never before did I really consider that I could be used as a vessel to deliver His grace to another person. According to Peter, though, we are to be faithful in administering God's grace through the gifts we are given.
We are instruments through which God extends His grace to others. Doesn't that make our responsibility to discover our gifts all the more important? It does to me.

P.S. I'm in need of this today, so I'm reposting from an October 2008 post. Hope this verse speaks to you today, too!

Surrendering to Him,



Tamika Eason said...

Bless God for His goodness and His Word!

Loree Huebner said...

It spoke volumes to me, Eileen. Thanks for reposting it.

Sarah Forgrave said...

Wow, definitely needed this, Eileen. Thank you!

Karen Lange said...

Timely encouragement! Thank you. :)

Jessica Nelson said...

The comment you made on my blog the other day encouraged me a lot. I def. think you're a great vessel of grace. ;-)

quietspirit said...

Very Well put and appropriate.