Frustration is my newest best friend as I ponder the list of to-do's that is ever growing while my body is ever "unfruitful". When the body is weak and eyelids are heavy enough to break toothpicks, there is but one thing to do.
I pray for the Haiti situation. I pray for family and friends and their individual circumstances. I pray for direction...for guidance...for a sense of knowing that I so richly lack at times. I pray for His presence to be ever felt in my life. And I pray for you, if you'll let me.
Please, allow me to make use of this tired body by lifting prayers for you. Amen!
Surrendering to Him,
Aww... I hope you get feeling better soon! I can't think of a better use of your time though. Perhaps that's why Father in Heaven gives us times like that... *hugs* Get well!
I'll say a prayer for you too! I hope you feel better soon:)
Good luck to you in 2010. I hope it's our year!
I hope you feel better soon! I got a nasty head cold over Christmas, and it seems like it's still lingering. I loved your toothpick comment. :-)
Hi Eileen,
Sorry to hear you're not well. I still have the remnants of a cold started 2 weeks ago, so I know how frustrating it can be.
I'd love to have your prayer, especially regarding finances right now! Thanks. And I'll remember you, too.
Take care of yourself.
Wishing you chicken soup, long naps, and a speedy recovery!
So kind of you to think of others as you go through the discomfort and aggravation of a cold.
I pray and wish you a quick recovery.
Someone came to mind when you mentioned prayers. My family has a friend that has cancer. He's in his early fifties, and has a wife and children. A prayer for H.L. would be appreciated. Thank you.
That's the best thing you can do, Eileen. I pray for your cold to go away!
Praying for you. Rest! :)
Hey I just posted up a new blog entry when you wrote on my mine. It's good news lol
Guess what sweetie? i'm going to lift you up to the throne all day. Not just about your cold, but your family and your personal aspirations. I heart you. And for me? Pray I get my dream agent and quick. i'm restless already.
Dear Lord:
Please heal Eileen from this cold. She is Your child and wishes to be doing Your Will.
I beg you to accept her prayers for our Haitian brothers and sisters. For all those who are living this tragedy. Let Your goodness shine through this disaster.
I ask these things out of Your great store of grace and mercy and love You have for Eileen and for those she prays.
In the name of Jesus, AMEN
I'm sorry you're under the weather, Eileen. I will pray for you. If you really want to pray for us...we need a new roof...NOW!
Praying strength and a time of refreshing for you during your "downtime". Hugs :O)
Dear Lord, Refresh and rejuvenate Eileen, mind, body and soul. Give her sensitive spirit the peace that passeth all understanding regarding Haiti's little ones.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Hi Eileen -
Praying for a speedy recovery. My request? A F.T. job with benefits.
Susan :)
I hope you feel better soon! Prayer is always good. It's kind of cool how God makes it so we can always pray, no matter how tired we are.
I'd love some prayers for energy. :-) Thanks!
You're so right that the best way to make the "unfruitful" time productive is to pray.
Praying/hoping you get better soon!!!
A wise woman once told me that if you hit a brick wall it means you need to slow down. Of course, what else is there to do? So enjoy the rest. Sometimes rest is as 'productive' as active time because you body is doing work healing that you cannot see.
Oh you sweetheart! First, my prayers for your returned health are sent. Having just gotten over a head cold, I know how you feel!
Say a prayer for my better half; he's had breathing issues for ages and is about ready to make the leap to the marvels of modern medicine. Fear is his biggest hindrance.
And may so many of God's rich blessings come your way!
How sweet of you. Thanks.
We'll pray for you and your broken toothpicks too.
Eileen, like I don't listen enough, I don't pray enough either. But you're right about it's benefits, and sometimes it's all you can do.
One morning during church service, I had the start of a migraine. It wasn't at its worst, but I know it could go there. So I bowed my head, and through the whole thing, I prayed. For myself, everyone in the congregation, for everyone who came to mind. By the end of the service, my heart was light, and so was my migraine.
Ah, hope you feel better soon. Pregnancy always gives me a runny nose and I'm looking forward to not constantly blowing my nose when the baby comes. :)
Get better! It's no fun at all being sick.
Feel better soon, but rest assured, praying for us is going to turn into a real blessing for you! Thanks!! I definitely appreciate (and need) all the prayer I get.
I'll remember you as well and pray for swift healing for your body. Been there last week, ugh.
Hoping your prayers, and ours are all answered, and that people continue to be recovered and lives to be saved.
Be well.
Sorry to hear the bug bit you. I hope you're feeling 100% again soon.
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