Since writing with the intent to learn how to write, I must say I've had some fun times due solely to wanting scenes to be authentic. Have you ever had your characters take you where you haven't gone before? Or at least not recently enough to conjure up a scene that really comes to life?
When that happens to me, my family tends to benefit with a little excursion. And it usually means fun. Sadly, I have no trouble tapping into experiences that are more of a serious nature. It seems to be only the fun ones that stump me. Mmmmm...wonder what that says about me? Me thinks I need to write to include some fun in my life. Perhaps that's why God called me to this challenge. Interesting!
Anyway, I was tagged by Jeannie Campbell to do a very long questionnaire. I promise, I will do this next week, right after our Mistletoe Madness Monday, but I think I'm going to split it into two separate posts. So get ready, you'll learn a little more about boring me just in time for Christmas. How's that for a cyber Christmas gift from little old me?
So what fun times have you enjoyed due to your writing?
P.S. I just scanned my blogroll listing and I'm in awe at how many great posts are out there for me to read. The little topics and snippets have me wanting to rush over. Just wish there was way, way, way more time in a day to do so! It'll take me all weekend, stealing some comp. time, to take them all in.
Surrendering to Him,

Everyone is getting tagged! It's an epidemic. But I can't wait to read your answers; I'm sure they're not boring at all.
Oh, and I think the most fun I've had due to my writing is a toss up between finishing a story (the joy of saying I'm done is just so fulfilling) and hearing people ask to read more after they'd read somehting of mine. It's just so...nice.
Definitely purpose to have more fun in your life. What a wonderful blessing on your writing journey!
The most fun I have writing is when I bring a project to completion, to take a story as far as I can and have that satisfying AHHHH at the end.
Hi Eileen -
I'm looking forward to knowing more about you. :)
When I nail a scene with the proper tension, POV, and all that other good stuff we writers must include, I want to stand and say, "YES!"
Fun is the name of the game, right? Right!
For this is easier said than done. My natural tendency is to create scenes that are intense and somber, with a hint of longing. I tend to be dramatic. At least that's what hubby says!
Can't wait for those little nuggets about you, Eileen!
In many ways, I live vicariously through my characters. And I've been making efforts to take them to new, deeper places. I think that's what it's about for me.
Merry Christmas!
You've given me an idea, 'writing field trips'. Let's see, where would I like to go on vacation and how can I tie it into my writing? Will work on this one. Blessings to you and your readers:)
I'm already mentally knee deep in my new WIP. *sigh* does the brain ever take a break?
I'm better at writing serious scenes too. I think that emotion is easier for me to portray in a believable way. I'm unplugging next week, but I'll be stopping by here to read your posts next week. I can't wait.
I just wrote a hilarious scene that I'm sure will end up cut in the final version. My idea of fun is too silly sometimes!
Have a fab weekend!
My manuscript settings are in New England, where I live. So I'll sometimes visit a place I write about to get a better perspective for the setting. There's nothing like visitng Grand Central Terminal before writing about its celestial grandeur!
Hope your weekend lets you get lots done and have fun too. :O)
Love the look of your blog, Eileen! Since my blog deals with lessons God is teaching me in life, I always keep my eyes open where ever I go. Amazing the things He can teach me at the grocery store or the car dealership!! Have a blessed weekend!
I can't wait to learn more about you!
I tend to be more serious too (unless I'm on an adrenaline high, like at the conference, lol). My hubby balances me out. I hope you have a great weekend!
I love that you go on excursion. What a great idea! I usually just devour info from the web. I like your way better. It sounds so much more fun!
I can't wait to learn more about you, Eileen. I, too, am much better at writing serious and even scary, but funny, I am not.
I've had a good laugh or two when:
the dog and cat give me 'that look' when I am physically acting out a scene
I read a chapter onto my digital recorder and then hear my spur of the moment edits outloud when replaying it. ex: "no, that's gotta go"
I'm such a research geek and I love it! I have the best time chasing rabbits into unknown territory, even when it has absolutley nothing to do with the story.
I think it is a good reminder that writing does inspire fun!
Thank you!
I look forward to reading more about you next week. :)
Finding that it is the writing that happens because of the randomness I allow in my day... usually not of my making I dare say.
I'm in the BEST moods when I nail a fun scene! So my family definitely benefits! LOL
Can't wait to read your tagged questions! And also can't wait to read your kissing scene. I love the 3 M name you gave it. Great alliteration ya got going on there!
I also need to have more fun in my writing. I think I have a decent sense of humor in real life but can't seem to write humor and have it come off right. Something to work on!
Sounds like a great gift! Can't wait to learn more about you and your writing. Have a great weekend, Eileen!
Sometimes the writing time itself is fun, especially when something you wanted to say comes out exactly as you wanted without too much effort. At other times, as you know, no matter how hard you try to just can't get it out the way you want. I recently started one article/chapter and when I was done writing a couple of hours later, I had split the original up into 4 different articles/chapters, and didn't have any of them finished. I couldn't stay on line, everything I wrote seemed to go in a direction I didn't intend. So, after two hours I had the "seeds" for four other pieces, but didn't have one finished! That's ok.
But really fun experiences are like one I had today. My wife sent me to the grocery store before 8 o'clock. The manager of the grocery store came up to me, shook my hand, and said he was enjoying my book on Proverbs (Roaring Lions, Cracking Rocks). His wife had bought it at a local store and given it to him. That is fun, exciting and gratifying.
So, fun time or not during he actual writing, keep writing and fun will certainly come later.
Good post.
Hi Eileen~
I LOVE your idea of fun trips for your WIP. Great idea!
I'm about to add to your burden with a blog award. I've awarded you the Superior Scribbler award for awesome writing!
You can pick it up at http://wordvessel.blogspot.com/2009/12/updates-blog-award-links-winners.html
Merry Christmas!
I always hear about how writing is a solitary pursuit, but honestly, research is a great excuse for getting out and exploring. For example, a couple of my characters share ownership in a yacht. This gave me an excuse to go "yacht shopping" on their behalf - I needed to orchestrate a scene on the boat - it was great fun.
Wishing you a happy and blessed Christmas!
Due to some health issues, I haven't been able to take road trips. One story I worked on included an inn not so very far from where my husband grew up. But I haven't had the courage to tell him about wanting to go there. It's a run down looking site on the outside, but I am more interested on the interior.
I love when the Spirit whispers a scene and my tapping fingers can't capture it enough!
Then there was the trip to Ireland to learn why the little eejit had to go...
Blessings, girl!
And Merry Christmas!!
One of my goals for next year is to have a bit more fun. I have had a really tough year and I think and excursion or two on behalf of some character will be lovely. Thanks for the idea :)
Oh, absolutely everything is more fun because I want to preserve the memory. In that way, I know I will be able to describe it when I write. This has been most helpful whenever I've needed operations. It also gives me something to think about, other than the possibility of pain. ~ Yaya
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