Can you believe that there are only eleven days before Christmas Day arrives? And, for me, only five days left before the kiddos are home for their two-week Christmas break? Astonishing!! Really, that's how it feels to me. The days are whizzing by at top speed.
We celebrated my eldest daughter's sixteenth birthday this past weekend with a surprise sleepover for her. It seemed to go over very well. Planning for that while dealing with a whole revamp of our laundry room stole all my writing time last week and I'm missing it. Feeling guilty, but yet, I know the sacrifice had to be made. Do you ever feel that way? Wishing you were two people so you could fit all you want and need to do in? This time of year makes me with for that often.
These next two weeks are looking to be just as busy as last, but somehow I'm going to see that word count start rising again to finish my Nano story. How about you guys, will you be taking a well-deserved break from writing during the Christmas break, or will you pressing onward, getting those words in?
Surrendering to Him,

Hi Eileen!
I missed seeing your post last Wed. and then it looks like you didn't post on Friday. So I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages! Glad to hear that your daughter's party went well! What a fantastic mom you are to plan something like that! Hope you get your NaNo book done this week so that you can sit back and relax when your daughters are off school. Ha! As if that will really happen! But at least relax with the writing!
Two of me-yikes! I don't see the Christmas season being too much of a distraction, with the exception of Christmas day. I'm going to try and be super disciplined (with God's help, God willing) because there are two anthos I'd love to get into that have Dec 31 deadlines.
It is such a busy time of year, for me it's really important to prioritize. I like making itineraries, and am sure to schedule writing into the day early before other obligations come calling. But I also see it as a time when, it's okay if the Holiday festivities win out sometimes too :)
I'm pressing on. Tryign to finish my WIP before Christmas. I'm getting close!
I totally understand! I just "kinda" finished my editing, but I still have some things I want to do with it before year-end, so will be doing those. Other than that, I'm relaxing on my writing for the rest of the year. Ha!
I AM going to take a very very rare blogging break though around Christmas and New Year's, because I think my FAMILY deserves it! I'll miss it... but I think it will be a good thing for me:-)
I'm glad your daughter's party went well!
I like to keep plowing through during the holidays, unless, like one year I'd completely finished the project I was on. Like you, I want to finish that NANO novel. I may go a slower pace, but don't want to lose touch with the story.
A surprise sleepover? That is SO awesome! LOL
I won't take a break, but that's because I don't usually spend more than an hour writing anyway. Bad of me and actually I need to buckle down and really devote more time to it.
I hope you have an awesome holiday! And yes, I wish I were two people many, many times. :-)
I'm thinking all writer must constantly feel guilty. If they're doing great with their writing, then they feel bad because none of the laundary got done and the dishes are piling up. Then, if they DO do house work, they're all guilty because they really should be writing. Then there are family and frieds and other matters.
I wish I could be about five diffenent people sometimes!
Busy, busy, busy... I want to take a break, but there are several short story markets that I want to submit to before the Jan.1st deadline... ack!!! So, maybe no break after all... oh well!
Belated happy birthday to your girl!
I have been taking a break, partly due to the need for myself, and then all that has to be accomplished for the holidays. Which is great, no complaints, but I think kids have NO IDEA how much prep goes into Christmas, with much love in my heart and hands, of course. :)))
I have some editing to do in the few down times, things to sort, but then come January, it will kick into gear. I may be entering a contest that will take immense preparation, so I'm looking at these next few weeks as the calm before the storm.
Enjoy those kiddos at home, I know I'm looking forward to my chicks being back to roost!
Hi Eileen,
I 'lost' writing time last week because of my daughter's 17 birthday! But it was so much fun to see her celebrate with her friends. They are all drama students and I have never heard 'Happy Birthday' sung with such stage presence and beautiful harmonies.
Blessings to you
I'll take a break when Christmas break starts. We might even going skiing.
I'm taking a bit of a break that will stretch into January. Am actually talking about that Friday on my blog. This is usually a very prolific time of year for me (Nov-March), but right now there are other things I need/want to focus on.
It is beginning to look alot like Christmas! Yay!
I'm not killing myself to make the 1000 words a day, but I am going to give it my best effort. My family is very demanding this time of year, and I don't plan on neglecting them.
I'm looking forward to the first of the year so I can assert all my new goals. Like writing!
My writing, currently, is limited to blogging and an occasional journal entry.
I would like to continue posting during the time that the kids are out of school. It's something that I really enjoy and enjoyment is part of what it's all about. But, I will definitely put my family first during this time and look forward to doing things with them.
I'll be pressing on. I won't have as much time, but what time I do have, I will spend writing. I'm going to unplug from blogging next week to make sure that happens.
Hey, girl!
I hope to get in a bit of work. We're keeping the holiday's low key, so after I nurse Thomas through wisdom teeth extraction, I'll plug a few pages.
Missing you!!
Happy Birthday to your girl!
I'll keep plugging onward. I am hoping that with school finishing up this Friday, I'll have some uninterrupted writing time the next week.
I'm just letting what happens happen. If I get in some writing that will be good. I am working on a story that I cannot get out of my head, so I just may be doing some plotting in sinc with getting ready for Christmas. Wrapping gifts is always a good time for the mind to wander. I don't worry about word count so much.
Sounds like you have a happy house this Christmas:) I can't imagine having girls - that would be fun! As for writing, I'm expecting galleys any minute which plunges me into the 18c. but I'm not complaining:) A word break can be a good thing so enjoy yours if it happens!
I really want to get in a few hours here and there but I know that may be unrealistic since I will have a house full for 10 days. Im always afraid I wont get back my momentum.
Have a blessed holiday.
Hi Eileen -
I'm working on a devotional assignment. While I'm dealing with Christmas and other issues, my mind is working on Book 3 and editing Book 1. As my Italian heritage taught me, the gravy has to simmer to get the best flavor.
Enjoy your kids and Christmas. They grow up fast.
Susan :)
I am anxious to get going on my WIP and I don't want to take a break over Christmas, but I've written about 500 words since December started so I should probably accept the inevitable--nothing's going to get done until January :)
We are in different seasons of life. I will be writing when I can over the rest of the month.
With health issues and such, we aren't into as much of the activities of our younger years.
I intend to get more serious about my writing goals 9in 2010.
Wow, a surprise sleepover! That had to take some planning! :)
I would love to clone me, many times over! I need me as a maid, a cook, a writer, an attendance clerk, a pastor's wife, and....I'm sure there is something else. Hhhmmm, well, it sure would help once in a while!
May your holidays be filled with joy and relaxation!
I won't take much of a break from blogging, but will some.
I will probably write though each day.
I'll be writing. Maybe not so much on the blog (I'm having to cut back), but for other projects (3 books)
No, I've got to get through Christmas first. If I could clone myself that would be really helpful. I need a cook, a maid, a driver, and a gardner!
I will write next week, because of unplug week, but I wish there were 5 0r 6 of me.
What with home-school, cleaning, taking care of the farm, etc, etc. I need some me writing time. And I'm going to latch onto some from somewhere. Great post.
I checked last week and you didn't have a post. I was wondering where you were. Glad the party went well. I went through that a couple weeks ago. Only with twelve year old girls. I LIVED! :)
Sixteen? Should I be worried that my 12-year old is counting down the days until he can drive? he used to be counting down the days until he became a teenager.
I'm right there with you. But I'm enjoying the fact that right now, I still have the luxury of choosing my writing time. :-)
After two weeks focusing on moving house, I look forward to sitting down to finish my NaNo project. That I have the luxury to do so is a great gift.
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